Community Sub-Grant Project recieving K1.3MCommunity Sub-Grant Project
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…As PS Msimuko says attaining sustainable natural resources management requires attitude change.

The Government through the Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project (ZIFLP) has awarded a K1.3million grant to Nguleta Community Sub-Grant Project of Senior Chief Nsefu’s chiefdom in Mfuwe, Mambwe District of Eastern Province.

Ministry of Green Economy and Environment Permanent Secretary, Mr. John Msimuko handed over the cheque worth K1,370,440 to the members of the Nguleta Community Sub-grant project.

Mr. Msimuko said community sub-grants are important to achieve the Government objectives to ensure implementation of business ideas that go beyond the life of the ZIFLP.“

The Government through the ZIFLP is happy to support the Nguleta Group with a sub grant of K1,370,440 aimed at promoting Apiculture (beekeeping), with the aim of the group being one of the top honey producers in Mambwe District,” Mr. Msimuko said.

“These funds should act as a seed fund to enable the community group to grow their business and expand beyond the ZIFLP project.”

The Permanent Secretary said the funds given to Nguleta should translate into tangible forest management and livelihood improvement of the local people.

“I implore you to use these resources wisely because these are public funds aimed at improving the wellbeing of your community,” said Mr. Msimuko.

“Government is aware that local communities are heavily reliant on their natural resources and attaining sustainable natural resources management requires concerted efforts and behavioral and attitude change.”

The Nguleta Community Sub-grant project is aimed at enhancing the income and livelihood of the members and the community while employing some people through the activities that will be conducted.

The Nguleta Community Sub-grant project intends to impart knowledge and skills to all members through trainings and demonstrations in various disciplines like leadership skills, bulking, marketing, record keeping and technical skills in relation to the project.

The group intends to be one of the major supplier of processed honey in Mambwe District by 2025. The Nguleta Community Sub-grant project site covers 2,400 hectares.

The Ministry of Green Economy and Environment Permanent Secretary explained that the ZIFL Project support is aimed at enhancing the income and livelihood of the communities and farmer families through income-generating and value-addition activities in the Eastern Province for creation of environmental benefits and safeguarding of the environment.

“The intervention is also a deterrent or means to reduce heavy community reliance on use of natural resources like forests and wildlife for their daily needs, using local solutions,” said Mr. Msimuko.

Nguleta Community Sub-grant project leaders expressed gratitude to the Government for the grant and assured that the money would be put to good use, and serve as a good example to other groups.

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