Green Party president Peter Sinkamba has described the firing of Zambia Revenue Authority Director General as 'fatal mistake'. Green Party president Peter Sinkamba has described the firing of Zambia Revenue Authority Director General as 'fatal mistake'.
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HH fires ZRA Boss
         H.H. fires ZRA boss

Green Party president Peter Sinkamba has described the firing of Zambia Revenue Authority Director General as ‘fatal mistake’.

He has stated with shock that it is fatal to change an exceptional performer Dr. Chanda at this point when resource mobilisation is an imperative.

“As I have stated time and time again, at Chelsea we do not change a winning team, we only change the strategy of play” Mr. Sinkamba has said.

“As much as I have issues with ZRA that I am taking them to court for intervention concerning the winning tax for bets, and withholding tax on rent, overall, ZRA under his leadership has been a marvel” he has further observed.

He said he understands that his contract was renewed four months ago or so and if it is true, then the decision to fire him reminds him of issues he raised concerning the appointment of Governor at Bank of Zambia.

Mr. Sinkamba has further observed that this decision would entail that ZRA will have a heavy burden of paying salaries and other emoluments to two DGs till 2026, yet, only one will be actually working.

“These sorts of wastage of public resources in the New Dawn Government should be brought to an end, especially where the rationale is irrational” he has said.

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