UPND government should come out clean and tell us the actual status on the Anti Corruption Commision, Drug Enforcement Commission and the Financial Inteligence Unit, New Heritage Party Vice President Samuel Kasankha has said.
In a statement issued, Mr. Kasankha is demanding that government should come out in the open with regards to social media stories that the institutions are being placed under the office of the President.
He said that the New Heritage Party is completely opposed to placing the ACC under the Office of the President.
Mr. Kasankah said that he does not see survival of the famous ‘autonomy’ if at the same time the office will be answerable to the president.
“Autonomy simply means they should be able to make final reports without any due influence from anybody. If you are reporting and you are under the Office of the President, where is that autonomy? No, we oppose that move,”
He said that if it is true, government should rescind it’s decision immediately.
Mr. Kasankah advised government to let the ACC and all other investigative bodies operate the way they have done in the past and their powers be enhanced.