UPND in Kasempa have called for the removal of the Kasempa council secretary Stanley ChungaUPND in Kasempa have called for the removal of the Kasempa council secretary Stanley Chunga
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Brian Kakonkanya
                 Kasempa Council Chairman


Kasempa Town Council says it will not take lightly anyone resisting the council’s provision to enforce the law.

Council chairperson, Brian Kakonkanya says the new dawn administration was a Government of laws and expected law-abiding citizens to follow suit and ease the councils’ work.

Mr. Kakonkanya said the council was simply enforcing the law and that he does not expect any resistance from any section of society or government institution but that each and every resident should actively participate and ensure the environment is clean and healthy.

“It is my hope that residents will follow and be able to abide by the laws of the land by ensuring that we join in the cleaning exercise at the end of every month,” he said.

He said the exercise is in accordance with the Local Government Act, No 2 of 2019 of the Laws of Zambia and in line with Central Government Policy to keep the environment clean and healthy in order to prevent communicable diseases.

He was however elated that residents were willing to participate in the cleaning exercise but that more sensitization about the importance of keeping the environment and surrounding clean was required.

He said this after he participated in the ‘Keep Kasempa Clean, Green and Healthy Campaign’ which take place every last Friday of the month in the District.

Earlier, Kasempa Town Council, Council Secretary Tryson Chunga urged shop owners to ensure their premises was tidy to prevent the outbreak of waterborne diseases such as cholera and diarrhoea.


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