Hon. Eng. Collins Nzovu, with German Ambassador Ms. Anne Wagner-MitchellHon. Eng. Collins Nzovu, with German Ambassador Ms. Anne Wagner-Mitchell
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The Minister of Green Economy and Environment, Hon. Eng. Collins Nzovu, MP, has held talks with the German Ambassador to Zambia, Ms. Anne Wagner-Mitchell, and the Kavango Zambezi (KAZA) Transfrontier Conservation Area Secretariat.

Among the people that attended the meeting were the Executive Director of KAZA Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) Secretariat, Dr. Nyambe Nyambe, KFW representative, Mr. Nils Meyer and Head of Development Cooperation at the Germany Embassy Mr. Christoph Ritz.

Both sides considered the KAZA Transfrontier Conservation Area, an important transboundary initiative for regional integration, conservation of shared natural resources and cultural heritage.

The KAZA Transfrontier Conservation Area is also important for tourism development.

The Minister, the German Ambassador and KAZA secretariat expressed a strong commitment to work together to develop the KAZA region further to protect natural resources while creating opportunities for local communities.

They agreed to support tourism development.
Germany has supported the KAZA TFCA with approximately 40 million euros in three development phases since 2010.

The Minister was also briefed on other areas of development cooperation by the German Government at both bilateral and regional levels in various sectors relating to the green economy, including energy, water, agriculture, governance, infrastructure, environment.

Hon Nzovu acknowledged the German support to Zambia in various sectors.

He informed the delegation of the Ministry’s commitment to fostering an integrated approach to addressing the various environmental challenges Zambia and the region faces.

The Minister shared the various challenges in the forest sector and the need for scientific data, win-win solutions for people and forest ecosystems.

Hon. Nzovu also noted climate change and its far-reaching implications for biodiversity, the economy and livelihoods.

The Minister of Green Economy and Environment assured the delegation of his full support in ensuring an enabling legal and policy context as well leveraging partnerships and speeding up programme implementation.

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