Reverend Chilekwa MulengaReverend Chilekwa Mulenga
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The Clergy is concerned that some of the announced COVID-19 measures to address the threat of the new variant “Omicron” may have come out of fear, pressure or political machination triggered by external forces.
Ndola based clergyman Reverend Chilekwa Mulenga says the body of Christ is concerned with some of the measures announced and has therefore called upon the New Dawn Government to widely consult key stakeholders making certain decisions.
Rev. Chilekwa lamented the decision that Churches should only meet three times a week for an hour at each session.
He said The Church has not been widely consulted on some of the announced measures, even though it accounts for over 95.5% of the population.
The clergyman stressed that an hour is not enough, further suggesting that the Church be given three hours under strict adherence to the five golden rules as it has been in recent past with good result.
He has since reiterated the importance of government to carefully consider the views of the majority Zambians, not what some foreign clique is dictating, as Zambia is Democracy and not a Dictatorship.
He said Infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization, with the most common symptoms being fever, cough, tiredness, loss of taste or smell.
Others will experience less common symptoms of sore throat, headache, aches and pains, diarrhea, a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes, red or irritated eyes.
In very rare and serious cases, some people will showcase serious symptoms of difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, loss of speech or mobility, or confusion and chest pain.

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