Judith KabembaJudith Kabemba
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The Non-governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) on Thursday, 2nd December 2021, met with Ms. Judith Kabemba a female politician.

Ms. Kabemba, who requested to meet with NGOCC, explained the recent happenings in the Democratic Party.

During the meeting NGOCC Executive Director, Ms. Engwase Mwale told Ms. Kabemba that a vibrant opposition was key to the country’s growing democracy. The Executive Director thanked Ms. Kabemba for finding the time to debrief the women’s movement about the happenings in the opposition party.

She further mentioned that NGOCC would seek audience with the DP president, Mr. Harry Kalaba in order to appreciate his view point.

NGOCC remains a nonpartisan organization even in the process of supporting women’s participation in politics.

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