Policy monitoring and Research center PMRCPolicy monitoring and Research center PMRC
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Policy monitoring and Research center PMRC has observed that to ensure that the tenets of the Extended Credit Facility are achieved and yield the maximum benefits there is need for government to expedite the alignment of the policy frameworks in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism and energy sectors to support growth during the Extended Credit Facility period.

PMRC Acting Executive Director Sydney Mwamba has urged Government to increase investment in the agriculture sector, especially towards irrigation mechanization services, to mitigate overdependence on rain-fed and mono-cropping led agriculture policies.

He said government should also channel more resources towards expanding the manufacturing sector by promoting agro-processing firms, mainly targeting areas endowed with resources like the Kalene Hills Fruit Company and Eastern Tropical Fruits Company.

PMRC further urges the Government to explore and promote investment in Research and Development to facilitate the generation and creation of new products and services.

Mr. Mwamba noted that the Ministry of Technology and Science should take the lead in stimulating innovative ways of supporting Research and Development.

He also urged the Bank of Zambia to continue pursuing measures to restore financial market stability.

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