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Lusaka- Wednesday 15th September 2021

President Hakainde Hichilema has appointed and swore-in new Cabinet and Provincial Ministers and Senior Government officials.

1.Hon. Collins Nzovu MP(Nangoma)-Ministry of Green Economy

2. Hon. Elias Mubanga- Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises

3. Hon. Credo Nanjuwa MP (Mumbwa MP)- Provincial Minister, Central Province

4. Robert Liefu- Provincial Minister, North-Western Province.
President Hichilema has also appointed;

1. Bradford Munalukupe Machila- Principle Private Secretary-State House

2. Dr. Oliver Mubita Kalabo- Permanent Secretary, State House

3. Mr. John Msimuko- Permanent Secretary-Green Economy and Environment

4. Mr. Jito Kayumba- State House Special Assistant for Economics and Development Affairs – State House.
(Mr. Jito Kayumba is a Partner at Kukula Capital, Zambia’s pioneering Private Equity and Venture Capital Fund)

5. Dr. Lawrence Mwananyanda- Special Assistant for Projects and Monitoring -State House

6. Dr. Roma Chilengi- Special Advisor for Covid-19 (Covid-19 Tzar)(Prof. Roma Chilengi, BSc, MB ChB, MSc- was until recently, Chief Scientific Officer at CIDRZ. Responsible for overall scientific oversight on all CIDRZ research programmes.)

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