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The Forum for African Traditional Authorities of Zambia (FATAZA) has received the scrapping off of the ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs with mixed feelings.
FATAZA General Secretary Chief Ishima said in an interview that issues to do with traditional leaders are very sensitive which requires not to be handled at directorate level.
Chief Ishima disclosed that there are a lot of succession and land and boundary wrangles in most chiefdoms which cannot be solved by ministry directors.
“That is why we would want to have our own ministry because we would love to discuss such critical issues at ministerial level,” said chief Ishima.
He mentioned that FATAZA will be engaging government on the matter and chart a way forward.
He also called on government to strengthen the house of chiefs by giving it powers through an Act of Parliament to preside over succession wrangles.
He said in its current state, the house of chiefs has less powers to superintend on such matters hence its failure to resolve wrangles in some chiefdoms.
He said many chiefs have lost their lives, property due to wrangles which seem to be endless.
“And due to these same wrangles, our chiefdoms are already underdeveloped, chiefdoms are lagging behind. That is why we are appealing to government to ensure that it strengthens the house of chiefs so most of these wrangles are brought to an end,” he said.
He however indicated that his organisation will support and work closely with government in ensuring that it fosters development in their chiefdoms.


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