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About 62,421 structures are targeted to be sprayed in the upcoming Indoor Residue Spray (IRS) exercise in Solwezi.

This was revealed during a stakeholder meeting held in Solwezi.

Solwezi District Health Director Dr. Chipili Lengwe disclosed that the exercise will be done in collaboration with Kansanshi Mine.

He said so far about 100 sprayer operators and 50 mobilisers have been trained for the exercise that will last for 41 days.

“And this exercise is set to commence this coming Sunday” said Dr. Lengwe.

He further disclosed that the exercise will be carried out in the peri-urban areas of the district as rural parts where covered in the first phase.

He said the areas to be covered will include Mbonge, Mushitala, Kyalalankuba, Kimiteto, Muzabula and Kamalamba.

Other areas include Kabitaka, part of Kazhiba, Weigh Bridge, Urban, Kandundu, Magrade, Zambia, Kyawama, Kazomba, Messengers, compounds as well as College, Stadium, Saviye and Hospital areas respectively.

Dr. Lengwe revealed the malaria burden for the district in 2020 which was at 1443 cases per 1000 population which he said was way too high.

He stated that the normal incidence as envisaged in the malaria elimination is supposed to be below 500 cases per 1000.

“So, the 1443 cases is quite a huge number which will require a lot of effort and input for us to eliminate malaria, and this shows that we still have a big task ahead of us, “he said.

He mentioned that in order to eliminate the disease, there is need for concerted efforts from all stakeholders which includes the media.

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