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Ministry of health public health Director Dr. Andrew Silumesi has said TB remains a leading cause of death and ill health in the country.

He said TB prevalence in some areas across the country is as high as 10%

He said TB mortality is projected to reduce by 80% and 90% by 2030.

And USAID Deputy Director Elisa Adelman has said TB is a preventable and 100 Percent curable disease and that no one should die from a tuberculosis infection, hence the need to redouble collective efforts to eliminate it.

She said an estimated 14,000 Zambians die each year from TB which robs the nation at large of growth and disrupts local economies.

National TB Program manager Dr. Patrick Lungu has said TB remains one of the top ten causes of death in Zambia.

And TB technical advisor Star project Dr. Rehab Chimunzinzi said TB mortality surprisingly reduced in HIV positive person’s than negative persons.

On Qualitative findings Mr. Fredrick Ngwenya said the study findings included explored factors associated with experiences of TB patients and their caregivers in accessing and receiving TB related information and services.

And operatives research specialist Josphat Bwembya said the study was not short of trsing, real time checking, querying of data and field visits for data verification.

Zambia has made progress in reducing TB mortality by 25% from 2015 to 2019 but however falls short of the 90% decrease to eliminate TB by 2030.

The ministry of health in collaboration with various health partners have disseminated the Nationwide TB Mortality study findings.

The study was undertaken to determine characteristics, causes and time to death for TB patients in Zambia.

The ministry hopes that the latest data guides its action in addressing Tuberculosis.

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