Brian KakonkanyaKasempa Council Chairman
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Kasempa Town Council chairperson Brian Kakonkanya has called on government to consider putting up a district hospital in the area.

Mr. Kakonkanya said in an interview that currently the only hospital in the district that services the entire district is Mukinge Mission Hospital which is run by the Evangelical Church in Zambia (ECZ) missionaries.

He said though government has a portion in the facility, it is not sufficient as the population has drastically increased.

He said government cannot continue hiding and portray a picture that it is working by operating from the mission hospital.

“So, for me I think its high time we came up with our own facility. Yes, we are thankful to the missionaries that they where able to put up the facility, but, its time government considered constructing a district hospital here in Kasempa,” said Mr. Kakonkanya.

He said his vision is to ensure that Kasempa Town Council is upgraded to a municipal council.

He mentioned that upgrading town council to municipal status goes with a lot of things and that key among those things is infrastructure.

“We are talking about a district hospital, good road network, trading places, well planed and designed district, good water reticulation system to mention but a few,” he said.

He also said the township roads are in a deplorable state and that they require attention.

“And this is the time now that we have resources enough to work on the roads,” he said.

He disclosed that the local authority is going to allocate some reasonable amount of money towards the improvement of the road infrastructure.

“That is if central won’t come to work on the roads, we are going to use part of the constituency development fund to work on the roads, “he said.


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